Meet me:

Hi, I’m Erin (she/her). I started my photography journey after having my kids. At first I was just a mom who wanted pictures of her kids but quickly realized I loved what I was doing and the images I was creating and I wanted to do it for others.

I decided to go back to college and I got my degree in Digital Photography with a nursing newborn in my arms. This is my passion. Documenting you and your story is exactly what I was made to do.

But let’s get down to the PERSONAL me.

I grew up in St.Paul, MN. I haven’t moved around too much however I absolutely love to travel.

I’m married to my husband TJ and we are parents to three kids all of whom fall under the categories of sassy, feisty, powerful, silly, loving and kind.

We’re a wild, active, goofy family and we


that to the fullest!